Ansys Discovery

Rapid Design Exploration

Ansys Discovery offers a groundbreaking design tool that seamlessly integrates instant physics simulation, high-fidelity modeling, and interactive geometry in a user-friendly interface.

Ansys Discovery Unveils Essential Insights at the Onset of the Design Process

Instant 3D simulation with direct geometry modeling for interactive design exploration and rapid product innovation. You can manipulate geometry, material types or physics inputs, then instantaneously see changes in performance results.

  • Easy-to-use interface.
  • High-fidelity simulation powered by Ansys solvers.
  • Embedded multiphysics simulation.
  • First-of-its-kind live physics simulation.

What are the benefits of Ansys Discovery?

How-to Videos

Discover our Ansys Discovery video series, offering concise overviews to acquaint you with the essential features and capabilities of this powerful design and simulation tool.